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​Our Story 

"Start To Finish"




Our mission is our story: 

To put the best foods, at the best prices in every home. To end hunger and improve the quality of life in under served communities across the country.


Why do we do what we do? Food insecurity. Coming from a family of 13 siblings, living at the crossroads of don't have and can't get, we’re not strangers to food insecurity. Our experiences, when compared to today, would be considered a step above the hunting and gathering period when food was in short supply. After our canned garden and raised livestock were consumed in early winter, we relied on a small grocery store,three miles walking distance and not well stocked. Transportation was non-existence and there were no shortcuts. What we feared most was those brutal and unforgiving winters. And Yet, like most, we survived to tell our life story.


What we endured compelled us to make life better in every home, on every table, everyday. In our darkest days, dreams of a better life were born and short-lived, smothered by a lack of opportunities and resources. Those days created lasting memories, some we never forget, but linger to this day. Disadvantages, hardships, hunger and inhuman conditions shaped our lives for the future. The brutal life then, still holds true today, more families are living in food deserts and in under served communities than ever before. It's an undeclared epidemic with no respect of person. It is for this reason, we launched Carnessco, to provide the best foods, at the best prices and to create needed services to improve the quality of life in under served communities across the country. 








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